
Site5’s NEW Boldy Theme v2.0.2

Before I get carried away, check out my initial post regarding the Boldy Theme here.

Yes, Site5 has released a new-and-improved version (2.0.2) of the popular WordPress Boldy Theme. ๐Ÿ™‚

Site5 has now begun the honorable prospect of separating their Web Hosting tasks, from their WordPress Theme designing arm of the business… and this type of separation is a good thing. ๐Ÿ™‚ Let those that can “host”… host. For those that wish to “design”… then, design. It’s a win-win for many of us.

With the change, comes a tremendous amount of headache for many of the previous version of Boldy. Site5 has begun to integrate their Admin features into the Theme, making it quite easy to use for those that have never WORKED with this Theme before. For those of us making the upgrade to the latest (v2.0.2)… it’s a rather tedious scenario.

Working the Portfolio

The most prominent issue seems to be re-creating the Portfolio Pages. Site5 has now set-aside a specific Admin Function to handle these entries: Dashboard -> Portfolio -> Add New.

From here, you can add your various Portfolio entries. One of the “sticky” points, seems to be adding the appropriate graphic for the post. Boldy 2.0.2 wishes your “Portfolio” images to be uploaded at 960ร—370px. Now, this is NOT set-in-stone, but if you wish for your Portfolio graphics to look at their best… do what they say… make them 960x370px. ๐Ÿ™‚

To make the best use of the Portfolio Template, start with adding a new Page to your site and assign it the “Portfolio Template”. If you are like ME, then you will have most certainly called your new page “Portfolio”. Yeah. This will run you into trouble. ๐Ÿ™‚ Boldy 2.0.2 does NOT like your page to be called “Portfolio”… only because the initial Permalink structure for this page will end with “../portfolio”.

Don’t Name the Portfolio page ‘Portfolio’

If you desire to have your page titled “Portfolio”, then you HAVE (I mean MUST) to change the Permalink to end with something else… IDK… “../portfolio-1” or “../mystuff”. If it ends with “../portfolio”, then the site assumes something completely different and renders the page in a Blog/Archive format. This is NOT what you want. You can try… but please be warned. It’s caused MANY a headache for current Boldy users. ๐Ÿ™‚

Aside from that, create several useful Post Types from: Portfolio -> Types. This will allow you to create specific “portfolio” categories (child & parent) that you can assign each Portfolio Item. To create each Portfolio Post, just select Portfolio -> Add New Item… and you are on your way. Use the “Add Media” button (underneath the WYSIWYG editor) to add photos to each post. Again… 960x370px. ๐Ÿ™‚

2 thoughts on “Site5’s NEW Boldy Theme v2.0.2

  1. Hi Dennis,

    I stumbled on your site back 6-7 months ago when I was setting up our site based on the Boldy theme. We are having layout issues via our woo-commerce shop with boldy. Products are supposed to layout with 3 x product per line, some lines layout with only 1 product, others with 3. Also the small blue “play” bullet is annoying to say the least.

    You can see what I mean here:

    If you have a chance to look over it and give us an idea of cost to fix that it would be appreciated. Happy to pay you in advance for your support. Thanks,

    1. Rik,

      Here’s my advice… and I know this will work. Since it appears that you will not be using the right Sidebar for your “shop” Page, instead of using the “Default” page template, apply the “Fullwidth” page template.

      You can do this simply by:
      1. Click on “Pages”
      2. Hover-over your “Shop” Page and click-on “Quick Edit”
      3. Locate the “Template” field and select “Fullwidth”.

      This will allow all four (4) of those list elements to display inline.

      Let me know how this works for you…


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