Most of the stuff I’ve be photographing lately has been portraits. Now, I’m still working on the techniques, so I haven’t posted many of my latest work online. Here, however, are some of my favorites before I left my so-called “abstract architectural” style.

Some of my favorite work was shot on Kodak’s Professional P3200 B&W. Talk about some sensitive film. I took a chance and rated the film for 1600, just in case, and shot an entire roll walking around the Ped Mall in Iowa City one early autumn evening. I was amazed that it all turned out. I didn’t even push / pull process the film developing. I simply followed the development times and chemistry that Kodak suggested.
Of course, not all of my work is in B&W. I have an older Kodak digital camera that I’ve used to document my family and friends. I use some of the images for other purposes, like the one I shot of a sunset in Iowa City. I shot the photograph through a screen mesh, just as the sun was going down. I currently reside 9 floors up in one of the dorms on-campus at the University of Iowa and I have a great view of the riverfront. I ran it through Photoshop and am currently using it as the banner for my ACID Planet account, where I upload some of the electronic music I’ve created.