Ah, Hell...
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Ah, Hell…

Well, it’s been a pretty good run up until now…

Over the past 8 jobless months, I’ve been able to enjoy doing some things that through the kindness of my compatriots, I probably wouldn’t have the time for: Assistant Direct a new play, mastering the lighting system at the Coralville Center for Performing Arts for “Guys and Dolls“, get more involved in the promotion of my “Comics In Action” improvisation troupe, do some freelance WordPress work and take some relaxing, although overly-heated, Iowa afternoons in a friends pool.

Yet, this is all coming to a close by the end of August. I just didn’t have enough money saved for such an extended “jobless” period. Meh?

The summer was really good.

My daughter, Haley, and I spent the month of June with several projects… and it was certainly worth the time to work on them together: City Circle’s “Guys & Dolls” and the Freshman tour of the University of Iowa’s campus. I won’t trade either of these moments for anything in the world. They were just… fun. They provided Haley & I with a lot to talk about. These were all… “bonding” experiences. Something that many parents may over-look in their own daily lives. Man… life sure has a way of “beating the heck” out of even the most caring parents and their kids.

Now, the issue still remains.

At the end of August, I’m gonna’ have to bail from my apartment in Coralville and find more financially conducive arrangements. I don’t know. I’ll have to locate a cheap storage unit for my stuff and figure out how to sell my 1999 C230 Mercedes Benz. Oh, and before you think I’ve been “hoity toity” with my MB… I got it a very cheap price for the condition it was in back in 2008. I’ve done some work on it. Believe me. 🙂

The “Freelance WordPress Developer” stuff has not panned out the way I had originally intended. My only official (paperwork and everything) contract position has been replaced with someone FAR more adept than I… and I continually keep getting under-bid by overseas firms through several of the Online website’s I’ve been bidding through. When I bid $450 for a 10-day job and some group from India gets the task for $70… one gets pretty overwhelmed by the current economy. Now, it’s not that it doesn’t “seem fair”… it’s just the way that our world is working at this point in time. I mean… it’s just how it is… no matter how much is Sucks. 🙂

So, what do I do now?

In a situation such as this, I will have to go with my passion: Black & White photography. How do I go to put this into place? Get a Master’s Degree. Where? Well, there’s really no better place than here at the University of Iowa. Will this work? I’ve got a pretty good portfolio that I’ve been displaying on my own apartment walls. Yet, is this the right path? I’m not sure. I really don’t know. Where does my heart lay? My heart rarely lies to me. It’s my own brain that seems to give me the most trouble. 🙂

In the meantime, if anyone you know may be looking for an experienced WordPress Web Developer, Engineering Expert, Java/C# Programmer or All-Around Engineering Jack-of-all-Trades, then do not hesitate to contact me. I’ll be here for quite a while. 🙂


Dennis Lambing

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