This week started off with six of my black & white photography pieces on display at the Coffee Emporium (located in the Armstrong Building) in downtown Cedar Rapids.
Of course, everything is for sale. But, to be perfectly honest, I’m not too hip on getting rid of anything. I like my art and I like it hung around my apartment. But, if you so choose, pick one out. It’s cool. 🙂
Personally, I call my photography “Architectural Abstract”, but many of you will notice that it’s mostly pix of downtown Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. Many of my friends have known of my propensity to spend large amounts of time shooting and developing my own B&W photography. Although I do NOT own an expensive digital SLR, I’ve spent much of the last 8 years working my manual Canon Ftb SLR (circa 1971).
So, stop on down and let me know what you think. I’m interested in what you think.