It’s early Wednesday morning and I have finished tackling the mind-numbing task of upgrading my WordPress engine to version 2.5. Not only that, I’ve finally uploaded some of my blog’s pictures that were missed when I transferred this blog over to my new domain.
This should be a fine summer. My kids are with me for almost seven weeks this year. It’ll be different than previous summers, since I am not living in Van Horne. Living in Iowa City should be really good for not only myself, but the kids as well. I’ve already planned a series of events to get them accustomed to the downtown area.
I have the kids making periodic trips to downtown Iowa City (only a few blocks away) to take snapshots of the real locations depicted on the University of Iowa‘s version of Monopoly. The entire family has been playing Iowaopoly for a couple years. I’m looking forward to see how these pictures turn out.
Yet, the summer will not be without a bit of tension. Mom is going back into the hospital for what should be the last round of open-heart surgery that she will have to undergo. My sister, Michele, will be traveling to Iowa City again. It’ll be good to have her around.
The strangest aspect so far is that fact that I really have nothing to do. At least not until June 9th rolls around. I’ve finished my BS in Computer Engineering at the University of Iowa and will not begin working until then. For now, I’m hanging out with my kids, chillin’ at Angie’s Apartment and watching odd University of Iowa Student Films at 2am. I can’t complain.